

Letter to Minister of Economy – Citizens’ right to “Choose to Reuse” removed from proposed Portuguese legislation

“Dear Minister of State, the Economy and Digital Transition, Pedro Siza Vieira We are writing with great concern regarding your decision to withdraw the packaging reuse targets of the proposed Portuguese Waste legislation (Unilex) leaving it to the economic sector to propose and implement. Reuse targets are a policy tool to signal to...

23 de November, 2020

Webinar highlights advantages of better control and monitoring for small-scale fisheries

Sciaena has organized a webinar on November 19 entitled “A new light on small-scale fisheries: benefits and opportunities of enhanced control and monitoring”, with the objective of generating a debate on the need and advantages of better control and monitoring practices for small-scale fisheries and marine resources, particularly in...

20 de November, 2020

Small-scale fishers: Facts and benefits of tracking and catch reporting

A new report produced by the EU Fisheries Control Coalition calls for greater visibility of the small-scale fisheries (SSF) sector, and highlights the facts and benefits of installing electronic tracking and catch reporting systems onboard smaller vessels. By showcasing recent projects from across Europe where these systems are already...

18 de November, 2020

Sciaena submitted its contribution to the National Strategy for the Sea 2021-2030

The deadline for submitting contributions for the National Strategy for the Sea 2021-2030 ended yesterday, on National Sea Day. Sciaena, through PONG-Pesca, submitted its contribution, together with the other 7 NGOs that complete the Platform. 

17 de November, 2020