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About Sciaena

Sciaena is a Non-Governmental Organization that aims to promote a healthy marine environment through the promotion of sustainable ways of exploitation, the involvement of the population and political intervention.

We believe in raising awareness as a way of creating a bridge between scientific knowledge and society, valuing the opinion and activity of all stakeholders, to develop action measures and integrated strategies. We are, therefore, an open door to communication, information, training, education and knowledge.

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# Sciaena

The science is clear: deep-sea species are at greater risk 🌊This week, the EU can set a global example by listening to scientific advice, and protecting deep sea ecosystems 🌍

#EndOverfishing #DefendTheDeep #Seamounts #VMEs #AgriFish

@CostasKadis @EU_MARE

"Es hora de desmantelar las estructuras que perpetúan la contaminación por plástico y de construir una nueva economía que valore la sostenibilidad, la justicia y el verdadero bienestar".

✍️Escribe Valentina Muñoz-Farías, Activista en @Sciaena_NGO 👇

This week, the EU & UK will decide the fate of depleted fish populations like Irish Sea and Celtic Sea cod and whiting. High time to prioritise their recovery, #EndOverfishing and put long-term sustainability before short-term gain. @EUCouncil @EU_MARE @DefraGovUK @DanielZeichner


#ICCAT ends with a landmark decision: a management procedure for NAtlantic Swordfish!

Good decisions on Climate Change➕the fight against IUU & positive but risky progress on Tropical Tunas.

👇Our analysis of #ICCAT2024 ➕ #NEAFC2024

Sciaena @Sciaena_NGO



❗️New tradition at NEAFC from @DeepSeaConserve! Almost time for little 🐙 to go home and @Bluemarinef has just handed him to Sciaena until the next @NEAFCsec annual meeting! Stay tuned to see where the little guy goes next


📍Right now in London, in association with @pewenvironment we are co-hosting a side event at the #NEAFC annual meeting to highlight the importance of protecting #DeepSea ecosystems & the need for these areas to meet international standards for protection.


📍At @NEAFCsec ‘s 43rd Annual meeting side event hosted by @DeepSeaConserve in partnership with @PewEurope !

💡 Stay tuned to learn what NEAFC parties have done, and can continue to do, to protect deep sea fragile features such as seamounts!


🌊 We're in London this week for the 43rd Annual Meeting of @NEAFCsec! Follow along as we highlight our top priorities to protect the NE Atlantic’s fragile marine ecosystems. 🌍💙


That’s a wrap on the “EBFM: From paradigm to practice” webinar series! You can watch the recordings at

You can also read more about the webinar series here:

👇🏽Here are some interesting takes from our guest speakers!


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Awareness about conservation through street art

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Film Festival dedicated to the ocean

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03Ocean Base Camp

A networking place for NGOs organized during the United Nations Ocean Conference

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04Entre Marés

Culture, Sports and Sustainability Festival of Culatra Island


# Join
Join Sciaena

All help is welcome since all of it is needed to save the ocean and its ecosystems. At Sciaena there are different ways to help. Join us as a volunteer or be a partner through your donation.