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We welcome all the help since all of it is needed to save the Ocean and its ecosystems!

How can I help?

Member types

Sciaena – Association of Marine Sciences and Cooperation, is a non-profit Non-Governmental Association (NGO) for the development of environmental projects, in particular for the protection of the Ocean.

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If you are available and have interest in collaborating with Sciaena as a volunteer, send us an email to telling us your area of interest, where you live and what is your availability, we will be very happy to be able to count on you!

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Members / Donate

As a non-profit NGO, one of the Association's main sources of income are membership fees and donations from individuals (associates and friends) who willingly contribute to the achievement of the objectives that Sciaena sets out to achieve.

Membership annual quotas

Junior Member
up to 16 years old
Young Member
up to 30 years old
Adult Member
up to 65 years old
Senior Member
from 65 years old
Collective Member

IBAN – Caixa Geral de Depósitos
0035 0575 0001 3338 2307 8

become a member