Sciaena submits feedback to the European Commission on the CFP’s state of play
19 de August, 2021
Sciaena follows, since 2014, the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy at national and European level. The current basic regulation of the CFP contains ambitious goals and concrete deadlines to place the European Union at the forefront of fisheries management and make it sustainable in the three pillars – environmental, social and economic. However, seven years after the reform of the CFP, progress in its implementation has been very slow in terms of ending overfishing, recovering fish populations and protecting marine ecosystems. For some stocks, there has been no progress since the CFP reform. The EU failed to meet its legal obligation to manage all stocks sustainably by 2020.
In the reply to the public consultation “Towards a more sustainable fisheries in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2022“, the NGOs* focused on four CFP implementation gaps that should be addressed by the Commission to ensure that all proposals and fishing opportunities for agreed for 2022 meet the CFP objectives, as well as the ambition of the European Green Deal.
1. Acknowledge the true level of overfishing
2. Manage data-limited stocks in line with the CFP requirements
3. Use science-based catch limits rather than relying on ‘last resort’ measures
4. Implement the landing obligation
*Reply submitted by BirdWatch Ireland, ClientEarth, Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Ecologists en Acción – Spain, The Fisheries Secretary, Fundació ENT, De Nederlandse Elasmobranchen Vereniging, Stichting De Noordzee, Oceana, Our Fish, Sciaena, Seas at Risk and WWF.