On April 14, between 11:00 am and 12:30 pm (mainland Portugal time), a Sciaena will organize a webinar entitled “Recovery of tropical marine blessings and fishing resources after a trawling ban” with Kenneth Leung, director of State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution at City University of Hong Kong and Chair Professor of...
On April 7, between 2 pm and 3:30 pm (mainland Portugal time), Sciaena will organize a webinar named “The deep ocean: out of sight and under pressure” with Diva Amon. Diva Amon is a deep sea biologist and works in the nexus of science, politics and communication. She has participated in expeditions around the world and […]
The current European Union (EU) Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has defined 2020 as the year to deliver a major change in fisheries management: sustainable exploitation rates for all stocks. Despite progress, the EU has not achieved this goal. With this in mind, on March 30, Sciaena organized a webinar named “Implementation of the...
A survey released today by the associations ZERO, Sciaena and ANP|WWF (below) indicates that more than ninety percent of the Portuguese are in favor of introducing a generalized deposit return system [1]. Environmental protection organizations released the results at a time when it appears that pressure from certain sectors of the industry is...
On March 30, between 2 pm and 3:30 pm GMT+1, Sciaena will organize a webinar named “Implementation of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy: lessons learned” with Gonçalo Carvalho and Ana Matias.
Sciaena supports the campaign “Jobs for the climate” (“Empregos para o Clima”), a campaign that aims to fight precarious work and climate and fight for a socially just and environmentally sound world.The climate crisis took place, bringing with it several other crises of various kinds, such as a social crisis, whose...
The EU Fisheries Control Coalition applauds the positive steps taken by the European Parliament towards more transparent fisheries and traceable seafood. With their vote in plenary this week, EU parliamentarians have called for all fishing vessels to report everything they catch, including sensitive and protected species, which will make data...
Sciaena is one of the co-organizers of the 6th National Meeting on Climate Justice. Together with 17 other associations, and as in previous years, we will seek to expose, develop and debate one of the most urgent issues of our time: the climate crisis. On the 12th and 13th of March, we come together and […]
The Outermost Regions Advisory Council (ORAC) is the most recent fisheries advisory council to be created in the European Union. Its objective is to inform the European Commission and member states about the issues, challenges and good practices of management and conservation of fishing resources in the outermost regions, but also to propose...
On March 4, between 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm GMT, Sciaena will host the webinar “Ocean planning in the age of climate change”, with Catarina Frazão Santos.
Location: Incubadora de Empresas da Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, Pavilhão B1, 8005-226 Faro
Phone: +351 936 257 281
Email: sciaena@sciaena.org